woensdag 14 oktober 2015

Fagus sylvatica asplenifolia

De herfstkleur van de beukenboom is warm goudgeel, de boom is rijk vruchtdragend , een . De Varenbladige beuk is niet wintergroen. U bent van harte welkom in ons tuincentrum . It is a stunning specimen and the perfect choice for a parkland or feature tree. This plant has poison characteristics.

De hoogte na jaar is meter.

Varenbeuk met mooi ingesneden frisgroen blad. Locatie gefotografeerde plant (1e foto) : Hortus Botanicus Leiden. Deze plant is zeer winterhard. Overige informatie dia : vruchten en blad. Nederlandse naaVarenbladige beuk.

Buy online for fast UK delivery with a 2yr guarantee! It won the RHS Award of Garden. Engels beech, Oudengels bece, Oudnoors bok, Duits Buche Oudhoogduits .

Net zoals bij de gewone beuk is de gladde stam is zeer gevoelig voor . A strikingly handsome tree with shiny, deep green and sharply lobed leaves resembling some oaks, the. Artikelnummer: FaSyAs10. Hoeveelheid: Boomkwekerij C. Description: Bushy, medium-sized tree with dense branching and fern-like green leaves that turn golden in the fall.

Sun: Full sun 8-hours of sun. Een cultivar die opvalt door decoratief, diep ingesneden blad. Bereikt een hoogte van - m met op latere leeftijd een dichte, brede kroon.

Additional Common Names. FERNLEAF EUROPEAN BEECH, CUTLEAF EUROPEAN BEECH. Erect or Spreading and requires ample growing space.

A lovely choice for parkland where . Laciniata' ns: Loudon's use of this name includes the two variants we keep ns: separate today. Asplenifolia ' is very heterophyllous while 'Laciniata' in not ns: so much so. In terms of American gardens where F. Fagus sylvatica forma asplenifolia.

An outstanding form of European beech that develops into a majestic, elegant specimen with time. Each fresh green leaf is delicately dissected into numerous deeply cut lobes that add a feathery texture matched by few peers.

Those that have visited the f. Like the species, but dense growth and cut leaves that offer a fern-like appearance.

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