vrijdag 19 december 2014

Hypoaspis aculeifer

Dankzij een sterk verbeterde kweekmethode is levering van deze zeer effectieve bestrijder weer mogelijk. Door de herintroductie van de roofmijt weet Koppert de markt een volwaardig gamma . It is harmless to plants and people. It gives excellent control of bulb mites in crops such as lilliums and helps to control thrips by attacking thrips pupae in the soil.

De adulten zijn lichtbruin van kleur en erg actief. Adults and nymphs of both species are polyphagous, i.

Berndt O(1), Meyhöfer R, Poehling HM. Author information: (1)Institute of Plant Diseases and Plant Protection, University of Hannover, Herrenhaeuser Str. It can be used for water soluble or insoluble substances, but not with volatile substances.

However, in the presence of males, the eggs develop into both sexes. The species is therefore presumed to be arrhenotokous (haplo- diploid). Laboratory experiments indicated that (1) H. Hypoaspis is a genus of mites in the family Laelapidae. The original description was made from the female only, one or more of which were obtained from the botanic garden at Padua in.

They feed on pupa of thrips, root mite, syarids egg.

JSS – Journal of Soils and Sediments 73- 77. Die freilebenden Gamasina (Gamasides), Raubmilben. Main prey are sciarid flies (Bradysia spp.) although other soil inhabiting insects such as thrips pupae (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande), collembola and nematodes may also be preyed upon.

Sabelis Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Section Population Hiology. Canestrini (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae). Er is geen informatie beschikbaar voor deze pagina. C but fecundities were low.

Collembola were the least suitable prey. This paper outlines the guideline development process and the principles of the protocol, and presents the of an international ring test . Acari: Laelapidae) Feeding on Tyrophagus similis (Acari: Acaridae). Shikoh KASUGA, Haruka KANNO and Hiroshi AMANO. SKREVET AV: TROND HOFSVANG.

Flere arter av middrovmid bl. Jsou známí také z uskladněných potravin, například ze mouky. Mohou se vyskytnout také v hnízdech ptáků a hlodavců.

Jsou draví a kořist vyhledávají v prostředí, ve kterém žijí. Taxon Description ( ). Sciaridae), muchnic (Bibionidae), třásněnek .

Specimen Records: 3 Public Records: 10.

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