dinsdag 24 februari 2015

Jujube fruit

De jujube (borstbes, borstbezie, rode dadel) is de vrucht van twee nauw verwante, zeer sterk op elkaar gelijkende soorten uit de Rhamnaceae, de Indiase jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana) en de Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba). De jujube is een groenblijvende of in droge perioden bladverliezende, tot meter hoge struik of . It is also known as pomme surette on the French islands of the Caribbean. The most amazing thing about the jujube fruit is that it has more than 10years of history, and in that history, over 4different cultivars are found.

In terms of culinary use, jujube fist is consumed as a fruit, dry candy or in the form of juice.

In some countries, the pits are removed and the flesh is pounded . How one fruit can have all these benefits has to do with not just the combination, but also the complexity of its phytonutrients. Scientists have identified eight flavonoids in jujube fruit , including spinosin and swertish, which have sedative properties – undoubtedly the reason jujube seeds are used to treat anxiety and insomnia . The jujube fruit , the ziziphus jujuba, originated in China. The small, red round fruit has edible skin and a sweet flavor. It has been popular in Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has been gaining popularity in the West.

It has calming properties.

This fruit, also known as the Chinese date, has potent health benefits. These bite-size, fresh red jujubes are crunchy and sweet. It is in season from late August to October. It grows in natural wild and cultivated orchards in Korea, Japan, and many Middle Eastern regions.

Actually jujube tree has been cultivated since 0years ago. Zao as the fruit recognized in the mainland China, it grows in natural wild and cultivated orchards in Korea, Japan, and many Middle Eastern regions. Check out more about this fruit. Still in the theme of health benefits, now we will talk about health benefits of jujube fruit.

Do you know something about it? In other name jujube called as red date palm, Chinese date palm , Korean date palm, or Indian date palm. Our jujube fruits taste sweet, soft and chewy.

This superfood is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients, and are known to help uplift the moo calm the min improve sleep, and boost the immune system. Jujube is a general name of Ziziphus jujuba. They are beneficial for overall health and vitality. The fresh fruit has 20x more vitamin C . Know more on Consumer Health Digest !

Winter dormancy allows it to withstand temperatures to about -28° F, yet it requires only a small amount of winter chill in order for it to set fruit. The plant revels in summer sun and heat, with the . You can buy dried jujube from our Australian family farm right here. In ancient times, it was classified as “The Five Fruits” along with peach, plum, prunus mume, and apricot. The benefits of jujube are too numerous to ignore .

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